Or it should be right? Instead we spend our day runnign around like chickens with our heads cut off, doing the errands and sitting in traffic with drivers who have NO business being on the highway. For what it is worth, when merging onto the highway... MERGE already for crying outloud!
And NO... merging is not done at 45 miles an hour, on I/75 we do 75.
Okay end of how to drive lecture. Weather was really nice, lots of sun and a bit warm but hey it is summer after all so I can not complain can I?
I really wish we could be spending time on the Lake, the kids love to swim and boat. I miss our boat.
I finished another bracelet , in whites and pinks and silver. I like it very much and that is surprising as I am not a girly girl. I really would love to know what YOU all think though, so if you would not mind please let me know what you think of my beads, what I can ch ange or improve on. I would very much appreciate the constructive feedback.
As for TV tonight, Harper's Island is on of course and I missed some of last weeks episode. I will catch up while I eat dinner and then watch the show and blog it aftewards.
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