04 May 2009

What's up for TV this week? Thoughts on Chuck

First up, I want to talk a bit about The Reaper on the CW. Seems that the Hollywood Reporter is stating that the show has been dropped, however as of today, Zap2it.com reports the line up for NBC has been chosen and Chuck fans will be waiting for news on its status. Read also this report in the Hollywood Reporter

Does this mean, Chuck fans that you have time? Take it from one who knows, you ran out of workable time like yesterday. Do yourselves a favor, get organized now, AGREE on who will be doing what and then AGREE on what you will be doing and then DO IT NOW.

You can come here and leave any posts , messages etc that need to be spread out and I will make sure all the information is posted asap. I am just wishing that you did not have the fight of your life ahead of you, but you may well.

A good idea would be to talk to some of the Jericho fans ( and the Firefly fans) and ask them what they would do different, but TIME is not on your side, trust me. The Jericho fans made a huge impact with the NUTS and letter and phone call campaign. I would suggest that you ramp it up beyond letters.

I am not trying to be a downer and will help where I can but the thing is you have to do something huge and you better have the fans who have their butts in the seats in front of the TV because we will never get rid of the ratings system as it is now.

I wish you luck but be prepared, its a long long haul. NBC, do yourselves a favor, you have a show that is a fan favorite, those fans are valuable to you in so many ways. Do not repeat what CBS did, it leaves a sore taste in viewers mouths.

For daily information on Chuck and campaigns etc, please  go to http://community.livejournal.com/reaperdmv/37449.html
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