May 28th 2009
First, to let all you fans of Big Brother know ( in case you were some how not in the know, maybe in a coma or stuck on a desert island, oh wait that is you Lost fans, sorry) CBS has announced the Premier date for Big Brother 11 which will be on in my house since you managed to hook my kids and husband. I just hope that the people who play this season are not as insanely nuts as the last crowd. What amazes me is that you get to see up close and personal just how low a person can go in order to win a game. I guess unless I have been in that situation I will never know if I too would be that weak, sure hope not. That behavior is the biggest draw for this show too, as we all love to see human beings being well… human. Me, I hope I plan on spending my summers being a Hulu addict, where I can pick my shows to see.
The date by the way, is Thursday July 9th at 8 pm on CBS. At least this wont ruin the 4th for me. One request, change your advertisement on the TV, I hate hearing someone say we love to watch.
So tonight's viewing possibilities include So You Think You Can Dance, ummm no; and CSI and Without a Trace. I will try to catch Without A Trace as I do like that show, but other than that I am once again NOT going to be in front of the tv watching anything on any network.
Cable has the following offerings – Sleepy Hollow on FlIX and FMC has Point Break with Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swazye. Kung Fu Panda is on HBO2e, that is it from what I can see. Damn, Patrick is one fine man.
All those channels and nothing to watch.