April 13th 2009
Dollhouse Ep. 9 ~ A Spy in the House of Love
Just when my dislike of DeWitt can’t be more deep, she goes and becomes a real human. I hate that because now I feel for her and that leaves me only one evil to hate, Dominic Ah, but wait… now I can’t hate him either because he may just be the one who was imprinting so the hints were being given to Paul. Wait, I dislike her again, wiping Dominic and putting him in the attic with such vicious cruelty.
Unless we get more of the mythology about what is really going on with DeWitt I think I have learned to be patient and form judgments' later.
And why give would Dominic Paul those hints, those messages if he did not want to bring down the Dollhouse? Dominic said the NSA simply wanted to make sure that it was in a controlled runway, for the technology it houses sake. But in the van, as Echo was taking him to be wiped he told her he knew she was eventually going to bring the doll house down.
And if he felt bad about what happened to Caroline ( Echo) why did he try to kill her? For his missions sake?
Tonight's Episode was the best yet in my opinion. We got so deep into how truly out of control the Dollhouse really is, we got layers we got story line! True Whedon genius, and what a joy to be back on the roller coaster of the Whedon mind and its a killer ride.
And Topher with the, “ I’m kind of a genius”, hysterical and yet so sad. I can say that because I have known some super brains in my time and some actually do think like Topher does only not with so much fun.
Were pimps and killers but only in a philanthropic way……. is this a telling comment that will come back to bite Boyd in his butt? We shall see, now that he has be made head of security.
Better keep a good on old Echo boys and girls because her think tank is just fine and retaining plenty of info on everything.
Until next time, and if you missed this episode you can catch it in full right here at FOX. Man I love this show.
Darn it, there are only three more shows to go NOOOOOOOOOOOO ;-(