If you are over the age of 30 and suffer from adult acne you are probably feeling tired of the endless products you try in the search for an end to it. One of my family members has this problem and has gone through just about every product you can find in the stores today. So when you find a new product that has a great customer testimonial and works you think you have found the Holy Grail. I know because now I suffer from this as well.
I have read that the reasons for this problem vary but that hormones play a large part , as do your current state of health, for instance the foods you are eating and how you are reacting to them, and also your level of stress. I know I am under a great deal of stress and I am also in my mid 40's. The one thing to remember is this is not about hygiene in the sense of not washing . That is a fallacy that has been going around for years and needs to stop. It is hard enough to deal with this without having folks coming down on you and saying such things about you.
If you suffer from Adult acne the main thing to do is not lose hope. There are still many products that can be tried that you may not have heard of before such as B. Kamins Acne Kit or Celazome Oplex Acne Treatment System. I have not ever heard of these products and there are SO many more available as well. You can also find a great source of good information and help forums available on the Internet, important because you will find others who are also suffering and overcoming who can provide you will support. You deserve to be supported emotionally so try this no matter what else you try.
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