Imagine that you have the ability to potentially ease or stop a disease in one of your family members simply by collecting your menstrual blood and banking it with a facility that is specifically geared towards doing this service. If you knew you could help your loved ones in times of disease would you do it? And if you knew how easy it would be would that help make your decision easier?
The benefits of collecting stem cells from a woman's menstrual blood are enormous. These cells can potentially work on such disease as Breast Cancer, and even halt the advance of the cancer advancing into the brain. Also of note is that the researchers are now using stem cells in the reconstruction of breast tissue after a mastectomy. Awesome news, that I never considered hearing in my lifetime. I wish that this had been available for my grandmother.
At the company C'elle they are making strides in helping further these benefits by making it possible for a woman to collect her own stem cells from the menstrual cycle and banking them for possible future use. A great place to start learning more about this banking of menstrual stem cells at Celle is to go to the C'elle Blog. Once you are at the blog there are many wonderful and informative posts that discuss the benefits of stem cell collection and you can even leave a comment or ask a question if you choose.
I am awestruck that in our day we may finally be told that a total end of cancer has been found, and hope that stem cell research continues. If you are interested in banking your menstrual cells for your future then go check out C'elle and see how truly easy it is.