26 January 2008

A Very Special Thank You from Sgt. Neal

This letter from Sgt Neal was posted this evening by our fellow Ranger GenPatton43 on the Jericho Boards and I wanted to have everyone be able to read this awesome letter ( will also be posting this on the Troops Blog on JR4OT)

To everyone who contributed in helping out our fellow Ranger, Sgt. Neal, over in Iraq. I had the pleasure of opening my mailbox today and seeing his official thank you address to all of you who helped make the Holiday season a little more bearable for these folks over there. Before I I post it however, I myself have to say thanks again for rallying behind this. Few things that I myself have ever been a part of, even measure up to this and to think that all of you, without even seeing a face or knowing a name rallied behind this and made it happen is truly something amazing and unbelievable. Few fans or fan clubs can claim doing something so important, so once again, THANK YOU! To all of you who made it happen! GenPatton,

I have written a thank you aimed at all of those who sent donations and
or cards and letters over the holidays. I received a large amount of
correspondences and although I would really like to, I cannot write them
all individually. Can I ask you to post or forward the following
statements from me to all of those who responded to the call?

Dear Jericho Fans and my newest Friends,

As a soldier of nearly eight years I have seen a lot of
heartache, disaster, and despair. I have also seen some great things
such as personal sacrifice, acts of kindness to strangers, camaraderie,
courage, kindness, as well as many triumphs over adversity. This past
Holiday season is my third in the last 6 years away from my family and
friends at home and it is the same for many here. So it has been nothing
short of encouraging to know that even as we here sacrifice for a war
that has drawn on for what seems so long that there are still wonderful
folks back home (such as yourselves) who care enough to take the time,
energy, and money to send some much needed items for our soldiers here.
All of what has been sent to me (toiletries, clothing, books,
games) have been Donated to the 86th Combat Support Hospital in Baghdad.
I have however kept the season one set of Jericho :) which I have
watched and am now spreading it to my unit members to get the excited
about the show. The items will be used to give to patients here who need
it. It helps to have warm clothing and items to stay clean and
comfortable after they come to see us. Although many of the patients
will never know who sent the items, please know that we do and we
appreciate it and so do the patients.
I received so many responses to GenPatton's call and it has made
it a daunting task to reply to everyone individually. So I have decided
to respond to all of those who sent cards, gifts, and donations right
here. I hope that you all can understand. I am still receiving items as
of today and again thank you all. I would like to specifically thank the
following folks:

Julie H, South Carolina
Need2know2, Philadelphia
Becky C., Illinois
Lisa Coultrup, Kentucky
Delana Wilson, Georgia
Denise aka Skeeterbit, Tennessee
Chris W. aka GenPatton for starting the whole thing!!! Thanks to you
this was all made possible.

And to all those who sent items and are still sending stuff, thank you
as well. I will keep you all updated and I know that many of you have
asked for photos and such and I promise that as soon as my team can get
our own dedicated internet I will be glad to post some photos of us on
the Jericho boards. You all are wonderful and I again thank you for the
overwhelming support, for us and the best show on Television, Jericho!!!

SGT Patrick Neal
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