I thought it might be time to introduce everyone * those who might not know already * to what is available for the fan of Jericho over at CBS.
The main site has links for the forums ( which by now I think most people are comfortable with) but there is also a wiki for Jericho which also has discussions going on. There is the cast area, where you can get photos of the cast, read their biographies, and also an area to ask the Directors questions, watch interviews with the producers.
I don't think any other show has made so much available to its viewers. CBS allows so much more interaction with the viewer and the show.
I know my time was always spent this way, watch the show on CBS, then run as fast as I could to the web, watch the countdown videos, and then I would post my thoughts... and I am opinionated. That is just one reason why this website is so great though.
So, watching Jericho right now is as easy as clicking your mouse. You can watch right from CBS website if you don't mind seeing it on a tiny 17 inch screen ( I am pitching here for my husband to buy me a nice 27 inch monitor, he does not see the need for it, cant see why not?) Anyway, all the episodes are there, along with the countdown videos which are almost my second things to see there. You can also get photos of the cast there, read bios, watch the directors and Carol talk
As you can see, I have an iTunes graphic here, and yesterday I contacted them via Apple, in order to see how to get the iTunes graphic to display Jericho instead of John Mayer. Right now, if you just can't wait to summer to start watching the show right now... you can down load it from iTunes! That's right.
Imagine.... Jake, Stanley and Eric all at your fingertips whenever you want them!
I actually think its a great idea... I watch the shows over and over on Innertube.... but to have it on my computer, well that would make my Hard Drive worth every penny.
I also hear its down loadable at XBox live, not sure of the procedure on that, have to ask my daughter; but its still another means of downloading the episodes.
So, lets hope Apple gets back to me soon, time is of the essence!
Dont forget tho, that the episodes are all right there on CBS and if you have either media player or real player, you are good to go to watch.... as many times as you want for FREE!
And to show you how easy it really is, here is the link for ~Why We Fight.
08 June 2007
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