This was posted on Jeff's blog from Nutsonline's and re-posted at the forums -
4:14 PM EDT Jericho lovers, are you sitting down? Phase 2: Grow the Jericho Fan Family is on! CBS Entertainment Communications is rocking and rolling folks!!!! Unless I fly out to LA, CBS is coming to film and interview us nuts on Monday to put together an Electronic Press Kit (EPK). Shaun OMac is flying out to LA to be with the cast. And, get this? We are overnighting Victory Jericho T-Shirts for the cast to possibly wear and film!!! Amazing!
The Electronic Press Kit will most likely go out on Tuesday to all CBS affiliates and the outer edges of the media empire and appear on TV in the evening across the entire nation!!!! See, I told you to stay tuned. More to come...
Too sweet Jeff, I am so proud of you and everyone else who has any part in this, every day it gets more and more fun to be a part of this.
And in other news from Nutsonline -
The total for contributions to the Greensburg Kansas are now at $18,727.00 ! My goodness, this is so great to watch grow! I want to see that grow to the exact total of names on the petition, which is still getting signers by the way; and sits at 116,143 as of now!
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