I have been sitting here at my computer reading over all the messages at the forum and there are so many wonderful notes. Notes from the actors * which you guys know we fans just love!* and notes from the fans to each other and the actors.
I have been getting a small glimpse into peoples inner beings, and have come to the wonderful conclusion that humans on the whole are an awesome species. I have seen people who have never met, talking like they are a street away, making plans for parties and get together's. People have shared their children's birthdays, and stories of husbands over in Iraq. And on occasion past a joke or two :-)
I can not for the life of me find the right words to say how this makes me feel, to be a part of this sharing of life.
I think someone would be hard pressed to reproduce this as a story, it would not seem believable.
Oky doky.... it seems I am getting all gooey now, that is a sure sign I have gone past the point of no return and its time for this little lady to get some serious rest now.
So, sweet dreams to all the fans, actors, writers, producers, Jeff at nutsonline, Jeff , that guy in Canada * :-) *, Shaun Vegas, and of course Schumi and everyone at JerichoRallyPoint.
Tomorrow we begin anew..............
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