08 June 2007

Good morning Jericho Fans.....

And oh what a day its going to be! I am still so happy about the show being back that I don't even mind that huge storms are threatening us here in Kentucky today. Anyone who knows me knows two things:
1. I am terrified of Tornadoes, I was in the 89 quake in Santa Cruz..... take that any day over some monster whirlwind coming out of the sky to eat me.
2. I am slightly fibbing, I am trying to convince myself that I am not worried :-)
Today is a day full of promise, there are many different avenues to investigate on how to promote the show. I have read some great ideas on the boards, but there has to be some leadership people. Its going to be hard to get this all done if we are acting all on our own here.

Some have expressed concern over Jeff K from Canada and Shumi taking any kind of leadership roles in putting the FAN CLUB together, and each person has the right to their opinions. I for one, think that since Jeff, Shumi and the others have lead us so well up until now.... let them keep doing the hard work.
We all need to consider that leadership is all fun until you have to really do it, and then you have to be able to produce results right? As for myself, I simply wish to be involved with the Fan Club in some capacity.... because I love the show, as you have seen here; and because in being involved I get to be that much closer to Jericho.
As to the idea of the web ring, I have put the info out on to the forum, with only one reply... now I know that the posts are being buried in mere seconds now, but if everyone wants to get some kind of organization to this whole thing, a web ring is going to be key!

So, I am off to the forums to re-post that info and we will see if anyone wants to take the lead, otherwise I will do it myself.This way, all of our blogs and websites will be connected and the fan wont have to weed through a multitude of posts listed on goggle * and the other search engines, I am a biased google user :-)* to find us. Not many people realize that google will stack posts from websites and blogs numerous times, it looks to so many as if they are all from different places.
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