As you can see over at the forums, most of the posts are now just about enjoying this great news, but hopefully things will be back to the business at hand tomorrow. I know that the time frame seems off in the distance, but truly in order to get organized and pull any ideas off, before re runs start ---- we need to get our butts into high gear!
So, I will sign off for the night, secure in the knowledge that I get to sleep tonight. I was still so keyed up last night that I was wide awake at 3:30 am this morning.... do not want to do that again :-)
There are plans to be made, and I for one aim to start on them tomorrow. I have been in contact with the people who want to get the fan site started, and I suggested a Jericho Fan Ring for all of the various sites that have grown up in the last three weeks. I posted the link for that, and if no one else wants to I will start that as well.
God Bless, sleep well.
07 June 2007
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