Well, so far the Fan Club idea is a big idea that many are for. I too am for it, but as one person has said it may better to wait and see if CBS wants to have some input into this, as well as the production company. I think that is probably a good idea, only because then it makes the Fan Club Officially Sanctioned, more legal if you will.
Either way, when the details emerge, I will post here.
Okay, just heard from the person spearheading this, and I will in fact be helping out. I will be putting contact info and the like here when I get that.
I keep thinking about Skeet, Brad, Alicia and the rest of the cast, what do they feel about this turn around? I know they are thrilled, how could they not be right? Would it not be cool to actually talk to them and ask them how this much love for the show has affected them?
Ah well, that's probably a wish that will never be fulfilled for me, but I am just thankful for Jericho being renewed, so I wont push my luck!
Brad, Skeet and everyone.... you can see I am a huge fan of the show and I think you are all so great.
I will be doing a complete overhaul on this site, a web designer has graciously let me use a design of his for the new look I plan for here. I wont be switching over until probably Saturday afternoon, but my posts here will be fewer for today so the load of posts to switch wont be so hard for me. I am going to have the site be a bit less cluttered, more real estate as they say.
I am thinking you all are going to like the look when its done. I am going after a cleaner line, such as that found at Jericho Is Saved
be back later this afternoon with more info and updates
07 June 2007
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