Daily Business ~ What is new on the CBS Forums?
I have posted in the thread for YouTube and Myspace requesting that they get their sites to me, so I can build that list here, its something I should have done long before now.
Under Fan Promotions~
The idea of printing some of the great fliers made by our talented fans on the forums and getting them into either a plastic sleeve that contains advertisements * think of that advert you sometimes get on your mailbox* or maybe even contract to the local pizza place to place the flier. Also, we can get to our local grocery story and see about them being put into the grocery bags!
And my fav of today -
by RocknRoll06 ( see the post thread here)
That would be so great to see at say an A's or Met's game..... or any baseball game!Here's an idea for anyone who is going to an outdoor sporting event with a large group of people.. Make placards (about 4 feet high) one letter per placard spelling out "JERICHO ON CBS". At a specified time during the game everyone holds up their placard and flash the message to the fans at the game. I saw a group do this last night at a Met's game publicizing a Rent Strike. This would be a great way to get people in the stadium talking about the show. Be sure to bring flyer's/brochures on the show to hand out to anyone who has questions.
And while your at the CBS forums, if you need a great, great place to stop and relax and meet the local nuts, go on over to the Camp Passion thread, you will feel welcome two seconds after you get there!
Well, I will be back later with some more Jericho Goodies, I just can not wait until I am back blogging the actual show!