11 April 2007

Episode 18 ~ A.K.A

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I watched both the sneak preview of tonight's show and the countdown video, for episode 17.
I did not get much from the countdown episode, unless this discussion about hostages went along with Rogers little party he had. Or, does it mean we may see Hawkins taking Jake and Jimmy hostage? I really don't see how that could be it, as then he would be announcing to the whole world (ie: "Sara's" buddies, who want that chip) that he is in Jericho and has the chip and bomb.

As for the sneak preview- now that was much better!
We see Jimmy (poor Jimmy, he is trying so hard to do what is right here) and Jake entering into Hawkin's' house. Jake is smart to ask about the legalities of that move, but Jimmy tells him its probable cause. ( Here we can see a bit of breakdown on the law, if I am correct. Probable cause in our time, pre- bombs, means a bit of a chain of command to go through, not just on a whim, unless someone is presumed in imminent danger) As Jake is about to come into the house, he looks down and noticed a paper clip that Hawkins had stuffed into the door hinge area near the frame of the door, so he would know if someone had come in to his house.
Jimmy takes Jake downstairs to the 'room' where Hawkins has the maps and does all his anti 007 stuff. You see , I am still convinced that Hawkins is BAD, period.
I take from this scene that Jimmy had already been down there, since he shows Jake the drawer in the desk where Hawkins keeps all his fake ID's. Then we see the scene of Hawkins coming home, entering the house he looks for his paper clip, and sees that it is where it is suppose to be, meaning all is well.... or is it?
As Hawkins goes downstairs, we can tell his spidy senses are tingling, because he hesitates. As he does, reaching for his gun, Jake comes out of the shadows, holding his gun. He tells Hawkins to stop reaching for the gun, and then asks him , "who are you?" and end of sneak preview!

Add on -

So, right off we are treated to seeing Jake and Hawkins having a moment, where Jake is the warrior for the town, the protector. All well and good, but then we also see Jake felled in one weak moment by the handcuffed Hawkins. I was bothered by the fact that a few hours before this, Jimmy was hell bent on proving that Hawkins was a bad guy, with fake ID badges from the FBI; then we see him turn just because Jake tells him that Hawkins is really FBI.
At least we get to see the whole back story on Hawkins. I knew right off that the bald man with the cane was bad, and we see that when Sara was cozying up to Bald Man. Why Hawkins was not one bit suspicious is beyond me.
Anyway, with this explanation at least we understand what happened, we now see that the CIA is behind everything that has transpired. ( Least that is my take on it.) I like that Emily is trying to get the kids back into some kind of routine, its long since past the time when that should have happened. I did not like that all of a sudden Johnston is having some kind of crisis and leaving his wife out in the cold. Before this show we saw that no matter what was happening, those two were close. And I still hate that they killed April instead of Eric, but that is just me being mean.
I absolutely loved Mimi tonight, she was insanely funny and I think she is bar none the best character and actor on the show. When she was asking that chicken to oblige her and not run around the yard when its head was cut off was priceless! If the show does make it to season 2 - she had better have a stronger presence in the show. I missed Stanley.
What was that I saw at the end of the show, in the preview? Were those 'bombs' I saw in the tradepost town?
More later, after I watch the new countdown video and sneak peek!
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