Yes, I know a couple of days early on the Fourth business, but its one of the holidays I truly love. And this picture, wow! These are the captures one hopes for while carrying a camera. Being on a highway in California when the sun and sky are like this is truly a gift, as is Freedom. I want to make sure that all the servicemen and women who serve now and who have served our great nation in the past know how truly grateful I am for the gift they have given me.
We sit here on the computers and throw up a fit over a pop star dying ( and again, I am very sorry Micheal is gone ) but where are the same reactions to a solider giving his life for us? Independence Day is more than a day to gorge on BBQ or a time to play baseball and watch Fireworks, it is a day to recall that we here in the US have been enjoying freedoms beyond compare from the rest of the world. It is a day to reflect on the countless lives given to keep the Constitution alive, it is a day to say thank you in your hearts. How totally wondrous it is that we live in a land where we can scream and shout to the heavens our discontent without fearing some Militant group hitting us with sticks or shooting us in the heart? How beautiful it is that when we do not like what we are getting via government, we can VOTE ! These things aint free people, they have a cost a very very high cost. And that cost is being paid every day by your neighbors sons and daughters, by our children, parents, aunts and uncles.
Independence Day should be a reminder that you can not let down your guard about Freedoms, you have to be vigilant that they are not taken away from you. Remember.... 234 years ago a war was waging right here on our soil, and many great people took up the cause to make this the Land of the Free and the home of the brave. Be brave and please, on this awesome day of parties and BBQ's if you see a solider or a Veteran , go to them and say thank you.
Happy Independence Day, may this Nation see another 200 years of being the greatest Nation on the planet.
02 July 2009
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