08 April 2009

TV Tonight ~ Dead is Dead

I was feeling really icky yesterday, so TV viewing for me was out, but I plan on making up for it tonight ( due to a nice dose of NyQuil and many many tissues at my side ;-p )
So what is on tonight? Well it is Wednesday, and that my fellow LOST fans means a new episode, Dead is Dead. Okay, so who is up for dieing tonight?

TVGuide has a post today called Lost: Who's Gonna Die? And in that post it refers to a rumor that two characters will die before the end of the season, and here is who they line up as the likely dead:

Ben - they say that maybe little Ben will die and stay dead. Well, except for that pesky fact that Ben comes back in the future, so it can not be Ben. I agree that Ben not being involved anymore in the folks who are stranded on the island and their lives would be DULL.

Claire - she has been scarce on the series, and TVG says that there are some who think she actually died in the explosion in her home. I am not sure as I missed a ton of back story on her, will leave my opinion till I get through seasons 2-5 on ABCs website.

Desmond -

After the hints about his knowing the fates of the others, does he know he is about to die, and if he did why not tell Penny before hand? TVG states that he may be the only source of rescue for those stuck on the island in the present 1970s time frame. And yes, I can state that the female viewer population would in fact riot if some writer decided to kill off Desmond.


Before I go on, let me just say this about that.... lay off my Hurley, if he dies I will begin a one person letter writing campaign in complaint and I have extensive experience in being a world class annoying fan ( remember I am a Jericho fan) . Whew, okay now that is off my chest here is why they can not kill Hurley. He has been into each strand of storyline for each character, it would be like pants with out a zipper. TVG says that our adorable Hurley is the truth teller of the group, all he cares about are his friends, his family and the truth. See, adorable and honorable.

Juliet -
Man that would be a bummer for me. I did not like her last season from what I was seeing, but I have since come to see her as a good thing for James, and he is good for her. She has been through enough already, let her have some peace and a hot guy to be with already. TVG does point out that Elizabeth Mitchell who plays Juliet has been cast in the remake of V, is she leaving? We shall see but it would be totally mean.

Kate -
I was such a supporter of Kate in the first and second season, but then I saw her constantly messing with Sawyers mind ( intentionally or not , does not matter) but do I want her dead, off the island? Nope, I want to see her get some peace too, her back story wasn't pretty and I commiserate.

Penny -

TVG points out that we did see a battered Ben at a marina, Penny and Desmond were going around the world on a boat.... connection here?

Sawyer - Nope, no, nada, not going to happen. Think the ladies will be ticked if you kill Desmond, wait until you mess with the Sawyer karma dudes.

Sayid -
I am confused about what is going on with Sayid and Ben, past present and future so I am not all that sure that his death would be bad or uncalled for. I will just have to wait and see how this whole Ben Sayid story unfolds. I have to say tho, that Naveen is one of the better actors in the cast, and always a joy to watch.

Sun - I am not sure she is all that important anymore to the story line, so this could be a expected death, who knows. I would feel bad about Jin though, even though his character has changed as well while being in the Dharma Initiative.

at the end of the TVG post, there is a poll about who you think will die. I had to vote for Sayid and well, if you want to see what everyone else thinks just head over to the article and take the poll as well.

I expect good story tonight and I know I wont be disappointed. Be back after the show to vent :-0
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