Another day ended, and I missed Chuck due to work. Dont get me wrong, I am SO thankful for the work but my butt is sore as hell from sitting in this not so ergonomic expensive chair and I really would have loved to just sit and watch some tv.
I was so depressed to hear that we are sending our troops to a country that has taken into law the right of men to rape and withhold food to their wives. This sickens me in ways I can not clearly state, well... without cussing anyway.
The Twitter race to a million ~
Who cares how many followers anyone has? Why should we care, Twitter is / was about gaining a grand complement of world friends, all who share between themselves. Now I have to sit and watch the newbs like Oprah and Ashton take over and turn into a playground for the celebs. You all have Hollyweird, leave my Twitter alone damn it.
Okay, too tired to rant about anything else, off to bed. See you peeps tomorrow.
20 April 2009
The Gathering
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