I am so sad about missing this yesterday, however with my work and requirements for the blogs I simply had no choice but to miss this opportunity, for yesterday that is. I am doing it today because it becomes no less important or topic today than it was yesterday. Today people all across this country and planet people woke up hungry and will go to sleep hungry as well.
The reason I missed doing the post yesterday is that I write blog posts for money, some call it shilling. But it pays the bills and helps keep my kids from being hungry. So call me a shiller, at least I do something, and Thank God I am afforded the chance to do this. 99 percent of families that are going hungry across the world have no chance to do what I am doing, and never will.
We owe it to the world to be creating opportunities for people, even small opportunities such as what I do daily. To many of you $ 20.00 a day does not sound like much. It’s hard work getting that money each day, but I am not out in a garbage dump with my kids scrambling for food like those who live in other countries. And I am clean, warm, dry.
All because I blog.
Someone gave me a chance, now I ask you to do the same, help give someone a chance. There are many organizations who help direct funds donated to people who are also starting out in a business of their own. I really like KIVA, Loans that change Lives.
We have all heard the adage, “give a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a live time. Well, that is true. I have to say its still a crap shoot that you will be able to get going hard and fast with the big money as is claimed by all the scams out there on the net but if you can stick with what ever your project is and get a bit of help along the way you can make it. I promise you.
If you want to end world hunger and maybe one day bring about world peace.... love your neighbor as yourself, show them love, help them and teach them... give them a chance.