21 February 2009

City rock climbing

City rock climbing, originally uploaded by franciscophile.

Well, things are not looking up for many of us here in the US, at least economically that is. For my family things have been rough and are getting rougher every day.

But that does not mean that we are going to shrivel up and die, at least I do not think so. It just means we have to work and work harder than ever before to get less.

I keep hearing people on the news talking about the great American Spirit and how this in deeply engrained in each of us, well I must have broken DNA because this particular gene is not in me, not any more.

I have been working and working hard for some time but I have always been one step away from complete destruction. This is the result of poor choices on my part in my stupid youth , I know this. But my parents raised us to believe if you made a mistake that you simply had to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and continue on trying.

I have been doing that, I hoped , I dreamed. I attended College and worked damned hard while I was there. I loved college, books and I were supposed to be best friends for ever. Sadly, more bad choices made by others lead me to not finish. Now I am not exactly sure where I go from here.

I am not trying to paint myself a victim, rather I am trying to show some young person who is thinking they can skate on life's purpose that it will eventually catch up with you.

Jobs for a person with no education are near to zero, and in my state jobs do not exist at my level at all. I have been working at writing my reviews here on this blog and a few others but that is even drying up now.

I look around and see no way out of this situation for me, a solution may exist but I have had far too little sleep these last 5 months and maybe I am too close but I just keep hitting a blank.

I hope the President knows that there are families much like mine in all parts of our country, some families are now seriously considering having to give up their children because they are losing their homes and jobs and have no conceivable means of supporting them any more.

That is the biggest sin in all this, Bankers and CEOs are not having to make that choice. The biggest loss they are facing is which vacation home to sell, which Yacht to give up.

The reason I chose this photograph today is because I am now at the point where I have two choices, either crash on the rocks and get beaten by the waves into nothingness or to look beyond those rocks to the possibility that I may just have the strength in me to get to the hope and dreams I had and make them a reality.

God grant me the strength to continue on to my dreams, and the ability to see myself as a person who CAN do anything she needs to.
Please, pray for the families who are feeling as lost as I am right now G od, we need your support and love.

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