I have just been reading about how Stem Cells are helping a young child from right here in Kentucky who is ill, to get better. The child had to be taken to China to get this therapy, but is showing some real positive changes. It makes one really think about the whole issue of stem cells.
Can they really help our children in case of illness?
This review is for a service called CryoCell International and the company has many different services available. Since 1992, they have helped 155,000 families to preserve their children's Umbilical Cord Blood where the stem cells reside.
They have a
Protect Baby, Protect Mom which comes with introductory pricing and value.There is also a way to have a live chat with a Representative on this page, which makes it very easy to get help.
I wish I had said yes to my children's cord blood being saved, but back when they were all born this was not a topic I had ever heard of. Now we have blogs and the rest of the Internet to inform us, and great places like CryoCell to help Parents be proactive in their children's health and futures.