Penny Ronning's blog Two Chocolates and a Cup of Coffee ( awesome blog name!) wrote about the Save Jericho Campaign, please head over and give a comment! I also saw this awesome graphic in the post made by LadyLiberty, which you can find here.
Also in the news today:
When Shows Jump Networks, Viewers Win from
of note in this piece to me is this:
Prior to Buffy the Vampire Slayer's move from The WB to UPN in 2001, I didn't realize that a show could jump networks. The move gave showrunner Joss Whedon bargaining power to maintain the quality of the series; when the WB wasn't willing to cough up the budget he wanted, UPN was.Now, Buffy went on to be hugely successful so this move was the best thing for the show! I believe it can be the same for Jericho.
and though it is from April 8th it is still a good read:
Jericho Third Season Still PossibleWe told you it wasn't over yet....
At this point, any news of Jericho's demise should be considered exaggerated. Once a show proves that it can rise from the ashes based on fan support – it becomes a unique commodity in television. While Jericho's audience might not be CSI-sized – they are far from the regular casual viewers. They are dedicated, and they'll follow the series wherever it goes. Exploiting the value of such an audience is just good business – and it looks like others are starting to figure that out.
See, news is getting out that we Jericho fans are never to be counted out!
and last but not least ..... This from Nobodysbaby @ CBS forums:
Hi everyone,I have been participating in the Great Jericho Rewatch on the CBS site and I thought... "What the heck, Comcast is in talks with CBS Paramount about Jericho so why not watch Jericho on Fancast tonight?"
I watched Season 1, episode 3 on Fancast and then I noticed that you can rate each episode...naturally I gave Jericho an awesome rating. I also noticed that the Jericho episodes expire May 31, 2008 on Fancast so I started thinking maybe we should make our presence known on Fancast and start rating ALL the Jericho episodes in our huge numbers that we know how to do.
We need to send this message to all folders, to the voting links and everywhere that you have a place that you call home on the Jericho Message Boards. Help me out here, I know all of you can do this...let's get Jericho episodes rated and viewed on Fancast.
You DO NOT have to be a Comcast subscriber to view on Fancast. Here is the link: