I just want it to be down on paper ( okay virtual paper :-) that I am going to stand
on my view that we have Season Three. I want to believe this, I have this feeling in my heart, have said so on the boards many times.
Now I am not saying we should rest on our laurels, and just not promote, this is and has been our job for months. But I do hope that each fan is able to sit down, watch the show and really enjoy it. Let thoughts of promotion , the boards etc flow from your minds while its on. After all this is what we worked so damn hard for, right?
Skeet was so handsome today on both the Early show, and Regis wasn't he? Made me smile to think he was talking about us, when he spoke of the nuts, the fans and the campaign we all waged to save this show! And this time, I made sure to video both, just for my pleasure so when I want I can replay the video and hear again how we were part of something so great!
Here is a YouTube of the spot with Skeet today on the Early Show:
We saved Jericho for Season Two and I believe with all my heart season three! So enjoy tonight Rangers, and then we can go back to promotion tomorrow!
Oh and by the way I now have iTunes and will be downloading the show, so that is yet another person to be counted as viewing live, online at CBS and downloads!!!!
See ya'll at the boards after the show tonight :-)
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