23 January 2008

Interview with Hawksdomain of JerichoRangers4OurTroops.com

I have long wished to do a series of interviews to introduce (or reintroduce) the people who work on the various community efforts that were born our of our efforts to save Jericho back in May of 2007. One of the most well known efforts it the Troops effort. This is the group of people I will be starting my interview series with.

It is important to remember of course, that Jericho is first and foremost a TV show, an exciting show, a show worth fighting to save! We will soon be settling down in our chairs to view for the first time, the new episodes of Season 2, pop corn and drinks at the ready. Our goal for the time being is to get as many new viewers, new fans to hear about Jericho. What better way then (IMHO) to introduce them to all the facets of the show, the great cast and creative team we have, as well as the awesome experience we had fighting to save this show, and the community efforts we belong to, work on?

Today I would like to introduce you to Hawksdomain, the Web Mistress of the website JerichoRangers4OurTroops.com. Hawksdomain also happens to be my dear friend and boss over at the JR4OT blog where I post. Hawksdomain works very hard to make sure that the website remains functioning and is pleasant to visit. Hawksdomain also does a huge job of finding the content you see on the site, no small job to do each day!

Introducing ~ Hawksdomain:

1. All the Jericho Fans know you are a devoted supporter of the
troops and that any cause that is associated with the troops you
take under your wings. Have you always been involved with the
Troops? Tell us how you became involved.

I was born during the end of the Vietnam War. Growing up hearing of how the soldiers were treated upon their return home always seemed so very wrong to me. Support for our troops is something I believe all Americans should feel. Without soldiers, there would be no United States of America. Without soldiers, my friend in Kentucky would be in a different nation than I am. Without soldiers, the United States of America could be a German or Japanese speaking nation today.

During the first Gulf War, I was very vocal in my opposition to the war. Nonetheless, I did fully support each and every soldier that was involved. I showed my support for the troops while showing my outrage for our President. I am shocked at the number of people I encounter who are not supportive of our troops. It amazes me that people could think that it is the soldiers’ fault that we are at war. These men and women are simply the ultimate patriots by being willing to stand up and fight for our country. When they are deployed overseas, it is not by choice that they are leaving their loved ones behind. It is their job. If these brave men and women hadn’t stepped up and volunteered to be in our military, our President would have no other choice but to draft our young adults to handle the current conflicts our nation is in.

Tell us how you became involved.

I began envisioning Jericho Rangers 4 Our Troops after becoming friends with a mother of two soldiers. At the same time, my cousin was being deployed for a second time. I had heard of the idea of DVDs for Troops in late May, but had not thought of taking on such a project yet. At the end of June, I wrapped up working on Healthy Altitudes for Life, where Jericho Rangers sponsored a bicyclist riding in each of the 50 states fundraising for cancer education/research. We only raised a couple of hundred dollars for that and it was successful! Not long after that, someone else became involved in wanting to take on the DVDs for Troops project and was looking for help…

1. As the DVD for the Troops effort began to take off, what were
your hopes for the cause?

I never imagined that the DVDs for Troops campaign would be as successful for the Troops as it was. Knowing we had over a month to raise the money, I had hoped to raise about $1,000. I never imagined we would end up with about $3,500!

I also had hopes of this effort succeeding in getting the word out about Jericho more. We will see how well we all have done at getting the word out with all of our efforts in February, once we see how the ratings go.

2. What do you feel is the best way for someone who has never done
any community service before, to being volunteering for causes
associated with the Troops ?

Search the internet for ‘support troops’ and you will find thousands of ways anyone can be involved, and many do not require you to have any money to be able to contribute. Another option is to look in your phone book for the local VA or VFW. Just because a soldier is no longer fighting in a war does not mean that he or she does not still have needs not being met. So much can be done and every little bit does help.

1. Your web site, JerichoRangers4OurTroops has become a great place
for folks to come and touch base with the various causes out
there concerning the troops. Do you have any changes or
additions you are hoping to make to the site in the future?

There is much I would like to do. Money and time constraints are my biggest issues right now. Too much real life and just not enough to do the things I want to do!

2. Would you consider visiting your local Army bases in the future
to do Community Support or to cover such activities that occur,
on your blog?


3. Tell us what areas of Troops support you feel is in need of more

Mental Health – see http://www.thisisforthesoldiers.org/ or http://www.iava.org/

4. What is the most surprising thing you have had happen because
your work with the Troops?

That we were recognized by the Pentagon Channel.

5. If you could have one thing for the Troops ( besides coming
home) what would you ask for?

Proper care and respect upon their return home.

6. Now for a few questions about

1. What is the one story line you cannot wait to see in the
new season?

The War!! J

2. Who is your favorite character and what do you hope
happens for them in the new season?

I like them all. I enjoy the interaction between them all so much….

3. Has being involved in the Save Jericho Campaign given
you any changes in your personal life?

I have met many wonderful people and made lasting friendships.

Finally -

What does Hawksdomain enjoy doing that is NOT
Jericho and Troops
related? Any hobbies?

Who has time for hobbies?? J

Many thanks to Hawksdomain for sitting down and doing this interview , I know how busy they are in Real Life! I will be introducing you to more of the folks who work in Community efforts in the near future.

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