I was really hoping to have had the new code for the layout of this site by today, however the person doing the code for me has not been able to get back to me with it, so I am stuck with this one for a few more days it seems.
I am going to be switching over to a CSS layout, which will mean not so much "stuff" on the pages to see, which I think will be really nice.
SO far on the forums I have asked what folks feel about getting a chat room to discuss the online content steps that Schumi has asked to be addressed. I thought we could at least set up one evening when everyone is available to talk, and we can get this list of what everyone is asking for hashed out.... no takers yet.
If there are any issues with the online content that are needed to be dealt with now, I think its really just that everyone is not sure of what is available already.
Oh well, be back in a little while with today's new info on what is going on..........
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