Wow, someone at the forums just linked to this report in the New York Times from June 8th. * I admit, I was derelict in my researching duties :-( * and I have to say that reading this makes me feel a bit bad. I understand why Skeet would feel that way, we all would. But I hope he knows how much we all love him and all the actors on Jericho.
We were there screaming for you all to be brought back, and from what I heard on Shaun's show a couple of nights ago, even Nina was not happy about cancelling. I don't know how we would have known about Jericho being in trouble, its not as if everyone was talking about it on the news. I don't read the trade papers,* you can bet I will now tho!* so I sure never thought that there was trouble. If I had known, I would have been screaming way before May 16th that is for sure.
I just hope that the actors, writers, and producers know how much we all loved Jericho *before* it was cancelled, and that we will work as hard as we have to to make sure you all have all the support and viewers you need.
I totally feel so bad about this now :-(
09 June 2007
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