Tomorrow is a big day for many of the die hard fans of Jericho... the real work begins for us. We need to get some concrete ideas to show CBS how we plan on moving Jericho to the masses.
Marketing Jericho is going to be a breeze.
I have some ideas rolling around in my head... but after losing my system the way I did * i had a small meltdown, and I am tired :-)* I need a nights rest before I put my ideas down.
I have not really been getting sleep for the last three weeks, so tonight will be a nice rest for me.
I wish I could give CBS a hug.... I am so happy that this is over. I know what some are saying on the boards, but I prefer to think that CBS is as happy as we are about this, and the rest will be HISTORY!
Speaking of History, tomorrow I will also be looking at how we, the fans; did in fact make history with this cause!
It just dawned on me that I need to find a nice poster of the cast to put on my wall here in my office, something to remind me of this whole event.
I can't wait for the show to return.
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