It was really a great show in my opinion, not only because he talked about going to CBS in LA, but because we got to know a bit more about who Shaun OMac is. I am still not used to hearing folks be so open about themselves, but its really nice. The show was great, and it was nice to hear how long he has been in radio, 13 years! Congrat's Shaun.
I have this really funny problem, and its probably just my mind; but I make a decision about a person good or bad by the way their voice sounds. I seem to feel that I can tell if they are honest and trustworthy by the sounds I hear, the timber of their voice maybe.
I know, weird.
But listening to Shaun talk about his childhood ( I thought I was a rare animal, being a kid who was run around the world with my family, Gypsy's I think is how Shaun described it) was interesting. I think that as a listener, that makes his show more attractive. Hint of my own private life, an Uncle of mine on my Dads side is also a DJ - Dick Summers, so getting to know someone else who is a radio DJ is kind of neat.
I have come to love listening to his show via a downloaded link the mornings after, I just don't want to stay up that late - I get up at 3 most mornings.
Oh, wait... I will be staying up that late on Friday nights , okay just the one night then. Its great that I will have Ghost Whisper, then Jericho, and then I will be getting into Numb3rs, a show I have never watched. Smart move in my opinion CBS. And then I can catch Shauns show live as well, so this works out great.
It was also cool of course to hear about Shaun's visit to CBS, I hope we get to hear some of the juicy details some day :-) I liked hearing about the possibility of an on-line companion to Jericho, definitely keep going with that idea Shaun. Another girly moment – how neat to hear that Skeet is 6'1 , a tall man, sweet.
Shaun also mentioned having a political show that I hope I get a chance to listen to, as I am becoming more immersed in our current Administrations behaviours, and I want to learn how we as people can affect change in the political arena as well. Lofty goals, I know but I think we have proven it can be done.
A really good question was brought out, that I am very interested in knowing the answer to - what are good numbers for a rerun of the show, what number is going to be the green light for CBS. So I will be researching that as much as one who is not in the biz,can do. If I was still at EKU, I could at least get to the index's of various cited material on this subject... might be time for me to go back to my favorite place in EKU, that glorious library!
One other thought that is running around my brain, ( what is left of it :-) - and that thought is, CBS needs to get an Official Blog for the show, run by someone who will have access to daily or weekly information that will keep the fans coming back during any more breaks in the season. Now, I know there are a ton of blog's that will want to fill that spot *and I wont lie to you; I would love to have the blessing * but for CBS to have the connection for the fans would be great. Leave the forums for what they were originally meant – chat. The blog could be instrumental in letting fans know what the show is up to , as was discussed on Shaun's show. Actor updates, photos, all that fans need could be housed there as well as interviews and the like.
Another reason a Jericho Blog would be a good idea is announcements.CBS did not really do a good job letting the fans know what was up with the hiatus, and many people just had no idea and thought Jericho was canceled. Of course, CBS could just get one of their employees to do the blog via the wiki, that is cheaper but less of a connection to the shows main draw which is the fans connection to Jericho.
Any way, its an idea I hope CBS considers for Jericho fans, and if they do go with this type of idea, which ever blog gets to be the one will be so lucky.
And now, since I am always enlightening everyone with you-tube vid's here is the newest and most funny -
Made by Rubberpoultr @ the forums here is the original link at the forums to his post for this
I am off to do some research about the numbers Jericho needs to most impress CBS, be back when I find something of value.