I almost forgot to speak about todays info from Nutsonline
To date there has been 38,056 pounds of nuts ordered! * picture that for a moment* and the Greensburg Kansas Relief fund has gotten to $12,878 ! I am so proud of that and every person who has helped to get this dollar amount where it is now, its going to help so many people in Greensburg Kansas to rebuild their lives.
And I see on the website that 3,000 pounds are set to be delivered to Nina's office :-) glad she got the flowers today! It is said that there was film done of this delivery so we are to "stay tuned", and when its announced that its available I will of course have it right here as well.
Our petition online now sits at an amazing 105,928 names! The biggest online petition so far * besides this one* is the petition for family guy, which had 141,237 names; and I have no idea how long that took to get those names. I think we had to have broken a record just for the space of time our petition has been up.
I am so proud of this petition :-)
In Google search - the term "save jericho" now gets a wonderful 164,000 hits returned! This is amazing!
When the video of the LA drop is made available, I will be back to post.... and remember kiddies.... don't say YOUTUBE over at the forums, the EYE of Les will see you.
* all in good fun Mr M, all in good fun*
04 June 2007
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