There is a active thread on the forums about how we can help to promote Jericho. I saw one poster bring up getting a DVD set for our local libraries so they can be a rental DVD. I think that would work really well here where I live! And I am going to my local video place and talk to the owner about getting a few copies of it for rent when it comes out.
Have to say, I am still thinking seriously about painting my shed with a big black sign that has the Jericho name in white on it... my husband thinks I am losing it :-) I think it would look grand, don't you?
The last thing I ever thought I would be doing in my life is promoting a television series as actively as I am doing, as we all are doing. And I learn something new everyday.
I have got to get to Shaun OMac - Talk Radio, to hear the show with Rich from Copywrite,Ink, its been so hectic on the boards today, I have not had the time yet, maybe tonight I can get to it. I did take time to watch the first show ( yes, again) I just love that one more than any of the others for some reason.
Objectives ~
Shaun mentioned the objectives we should be concentrating on, and main is the ratings! We need to get the people who might be interested in this show to hear what its really about, beyond the Nuclear bombs, which Shaun says is a backdrop to the real story going on. This show is about the interactions and experiences each person in Jericho and New Bern goes through because of the terrorist attacks on the country. I believe Rich and Shaun said this was re- branding Jericho.
I like that Rich mentioned that we need to be very careful about not causing a "train-wreck", meaning that our focus should be on outreach to the masses with the real story of Jericho, and not having 20 different people trying to call CBS with our own ideas, in other words we need to keep our egos in check.
I also like the idea of a gazette that really explains what is going on in the Jericho world, the different issues that might be faced by those who live in this Kansas and America of the show.
The people who have the real control of changing the perception is us, those of us who protested this, those of us who watch this show so intently.
Also, another poster has mentioned that the wiki needs updates in some sections, and some great fans have stepped forward to help, so that should be getting taken care of real soon. I like the wiki, its a great resource, so its great that its getting taken care of now.
Over at Nutsonline - the Greensburg Kansas the donations are now at $19,427, way to go guys!
And even though no one is talking about the petition anymore :-( the numbers of names is now at 116,819! Need to find out what the largest petition is.
on other news -
I was told be a reader that my blog has been misshapen for a few days, I am very sorry about that. I had no idea this had occurred and when I look at it in my browser FireFox , I see it fine. But I had some folks from the forums check it out for me on their computers, and all is fine again!
Note to self, no more Google adsense inside the posts.:-)
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