I woke up today not feeling much better than last night. It seemed like I was getting better, then by late afternoon it was back, the incredible headache, the pains in my arms ( weirdest thing is, this pain is in my forearm muscles and in m hip joints, those strange places) and now with a full days work ahead of me I sit here and wonder how I will get th rough the day sitting in this chair. I feel like someone has beaten my with a stick on my back.
I did an article yesterday about Reykjavik, Iceland and there is a place there called the Blue Lagoon which is a geothermal spa, how utterly fantastic this place looks. I would go there in a heartbeat if I could. Just thinking about sitting in that gorgeous blue hot sea water, soothing away these aches , wow.
I had no idea just how much there is to see and do in Iceland, its simply an amazing place. One day, I will visit and maybe I will stay long enough to let my peace level rise to normal levels.
I heard today that a Jericho fan * Susangator* had received a lovely answer back from Devils Due Publishing for a letter she had sent to them welcoming them to the Jericho family, that was really awesome of them to do, but as a partner in this we knew this company would be a great fit for us and Jericho, right?
I will be getting a few more photos today to place here, again with permission of the owner so you will get to see some of the activities that everyone was a part of while out there in LA, especially the Operation Home Front presentation of the money and such.
Keep your eyes peeled for those, I am off to get some tylenol and start my work.
:-p be well friends
01 May 2009
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