01 May 2009

Children should never have to feel scared or intimidated

 When I see my kids  going at each other it makes me feel so bad, I have raised them to be good to each other and to themselves. The job of parenting is never easy, but it is one we take on with all our hearts. We want to raise happy and healthy children.

I feel that the most important thing I can give my children is the knowledge that people are for our benefit not our amusement. Most of the time my kids are great to each other, but as is normal there are days when they have issues with each other. The one thing I will not put up with is bullying or intimidation towards anyone for any reason. I  grew up with that happening, and it did not do my self esteem any good at all. When one child is bullying another, there are underlying causes that must be identified and dealt with quickly, or they will carry these internal issues into adulthood. It is horrible for the child who is being bullied but also for the one doing the bullying.

As parents when we have issues that we know our children are dealing with, beyond talking to our parents what can we do to help the children out? Where can we go for good sound advice?  At Parents Connect, you will find many great topics to choose from for more information, and all of it comes from people who are parents! From Home Work help to child behavior camp you will find any thing you are looking for in the way of parenting help.
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