I can not believe that the Miss America Pageant was so tainted, so stupid as to pick Perez HILTON as a judge! Do you all recall how many ladies of good quality lost their crowns due to some not so nifty choices in their past? Has any of the folks who run the Miss America Pageant even gone to his house of horrors he calls a blog? This 'thing' is packed full of the most disgusting comments, photos with nifty little drawings on them and so much more sick commentary that I would have to go back to the blog and re read to get correct, which I refuse to do. I went once months ago just to see why this person would get millions of views. I had to retch and then try to mentally cleanse my soul from what I saw there.
And now he is a fit person to be a judge at a WOMAN'S Beauty Pageant? Oh, I am SO confused here. And to add insult to injury he had the audacity to claim that he was insulted by Miss California's comments???? Get real Perez. who are you to tell anyone else that we must listen to you, to your disgusting diatribes? Because I and many many other folks do not believe like you do, we are bitches? Better watch that crap, one day it will end up biting YOU in the ass .... lady.
I say that last night was the end of the Miss America Pageant, if they are going to stoop to using people of no class like Perez Hilton as judges.
just my two cents ( and if you come here to defend that idiot in anyway, I will ignore you so don't even bother ) This is not a post about whether Gay People have the right to marriage, I have no position that would be stated here and accepted but its also not my right to decide for you. That is a choice every person must make on their own. What this post is about is a nasty little troll who thinks he dominates the Internet thinking he had the right to attack this girl for answering his question honestly.
Read this article at SN for more on his temper tantrum . Apparently he apologized and then recanted said apology on his twitter account, now that is a b***h move if ever I saw one.
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