I am going to be getting raised beds in the front garden this year! Of course, with the wildlife they will be wrapped in some type of wire but still I get to grow my own vegetables again.
The last tine I tried for veggies, there were some sad outcomes. My snap beans pooped out due to the very hot weather we had and my cantaloupes were stopped in their tracks in growth. And my tomatoes , please don't start me on my tomatoes. They were eaten by some terrible little grubs that were all mushy and gross looking.
I said earlier today that I needed to decide for my fruit trees about organic pest controls and now I am thinking that I will also need an organic tomato growing kit as well. If I use Safer brand Tomato and Vegetable Gardening Kit I may just have some luck. This kit seems to have all I will need to be successful, the stakes to keep the plants up off the ground and organic insect killer to keep the critters away. I really like the way the stakes are constructed, they look like they will really be able to hold the plants up well because they really go deep into hard soil , something we get here in Kentucky in the summer.
With the insect killer it really helps that it is a OMRI listed organic pesticide , which means that you get superior insect coverage against the caterpillars and the other bugs that love to eat the tomato's all without the harsh chemicals associated with non organic pesticides.
I plan on having enough tomato's to can for the winter ahead, that means fresh spaghetti sauce instead of canned :-)