What was my score? Sadly it was only a 70% score, which is a C; however it was better than I had hoped. I was wincing as I read the questions to answer but they were very good questions to be asked. The quiz is easy to answer honestly, and is not time consuming like some other quizzes I have been through on line.
It is that time in my life to be asked these questions and be made to realize that even though finances is a very scary subject to me it can be possible to learn how to make smart choices.
It is not just my future by my children's that I have to worry about.
On the web site I was offered a way to learn more about Debt consolidation
as well as Debt relief . Both these subjects are near and dear to just about every average American. With the economy the way it is right now, being smart and going to a service that can help one learn how to survive and be better in life is a good financial choice to make. We can all use Debt help can't we?
I really feel that in the near future I will be back at Bills IQ for a deeper use, and have already sent the info on to my family as well. Other topics discussed on the web site are Credit counseling, important if your in need of direction on where to even begin the journey to better credit. Also covered on the web site is how to Consolidate debt, a topic folks need to understand if they have either Student Loans or Multiple Credit Card debt.
Bankruptcy is another topic covered on the web site that is of real importance to people today, due to Mortgage issues going on.
So, if your interested in learning more about how to manage your debt and finances, please check out BillsIQ!