First , my apologies for the lack of posting. A nasty infection tried to kick my butt, and almost succeeded however at the last minute I staged a coup and took my sinuses back :-) It was just too much to try and think, let alone post until now.
Now for the important stuff, the post:
I have an awesome topic to share with you today, its the story about our fellow Rangers over seas!
Last year in the summer I became acquainted with a few fans of Jericho who also happened to live over seas, and it was always a bit of a problem for me that they had the show in a time slot off from when we view it, and they did not even count in the ratings!!!! Contact problems, and the inability to participate in our Campaigns was also frustrating to me.
Well, this seems to be working itself out now, thanks to Jericho Rangers Bull roarer ( who I met in the NutsOnline Forum way back last year)and also Zajo another Ranger I have just had the pleasure to met in the last few days.
The main point of this post is the International Fans and thier campaign! And what a campaign it is!!
Over at there is a thread that explains all the International Fans are doing here is the link ( and its even translated into French and Spanish so far!!).Bullroarer is the main contact, as well as Zajo so please check that thread out first.
Then, over at the SciFi Forums for Jericho we have the following thread: .
This thread clearly outlines the International Fan effort that Bullroarer and Zajo1 have initiated with the following actions being taken by the Fans:
Connecting the International Fans with US Fans to have letters mailed in a timelier manner, which saved costs as well. There is a core of US fans who have volunteereed to mail the letters for the International fans, if you need assistance with this please see the contact info at the end of this posts.
They have also connected with some folks who have been working on the Forums and Sites dedicated to Jericho in their country. They have taken the US Campaign that focuses on Media and ramped it up, calling this Phase 2 of the International Fan Campaign for Jericho.
At JerichoNet2 there is an International page of threads now for each country that airs Jericho and has a Jericho Fan base with existing media connections. They are seeking fans from these countries to be the liason with their nations forums and sites to promote the Jericho Campaign there. These fans are going to take the information from the US and post it on their nations websites, translating the information when necessary. Liasons with Canada, Romania, Spain, Belgium, and Germany have been set up as of now.
They request liasons for the following countries:
here is the link for these folders at JerichoNet2:
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia
If a country is not listed, but you know of fans , website or forums to be added, please let Bullroarer know.
They are looking for individuals who can help with tranlating into various languages needed, such as Spanish, French, and German as well as the language of each country listed above.
The liasons will take a first step to obtian the information about the general campaign and place them on the respective websites and forums. From there, they will be focusing on contacting the Media outlets in their countries. The main idea here is to show Nancy Tellum how extensive the reach of Jericho and its fans is through out the world.
Please contact either Zajo1 or Bullroarer1 if you wish to help in this International Fan Campaign.These fans are also open to any additional ideas that can be of help with this campaign.