New Feature Added: Video Commenting
We added a new feature to the site - the ability to comment directly to videos and photo gallerys. You can now go to any video or photo gallery and share your thoughts about that video or gallery with other fans.
We hope you enjoy. Test it out on the commentary here and get started:
CBS Jericho WebTeam
and some thing that is dear to my heart, the ability to embed the videos on my blog, yea!!!
New Feature Added: Embed Video Clips on your Blog or Website
We've rolled out another great feature. You are now able to embed your favorite Jericho video clips on your personal blog, webiste or social networking page. You can only do this currently for Clips and not Full Episodic content.
To do this, click on Share in the player control bar. You will see a section called embed code, just click on the code copy and paste it in your website or blog.
CBS Jericho WebTeam
Okay, these changes are great in my opinion for two reasons, I love that I get to actually interact more with CBS, makes me feel more connected to the show, and also because it shows me they are still invested into this show!!!! Thanks CBS for continuing to interact with the fans so well!
Oh, and I just finished watching the last ep with commentary, and Alicia I am so moved at how much the scene with Stanley affected you, you are amazing !When Mimi cries, for some reason I see my Mom crying, kills me every time!