Hello Jericho Fans
A new campaign to save Jericho is afoot. According to Carol Barbee, Executive Producer for Jericho the move to get Jericho a new home on SciFi is still very much an option. Carol explained that we need to keep the pressure on CBS Paramount and that they are 100 percent behind Jericho.This is where we need to concentrate our efforts according to Carol.
Why is Carol still fighting? She said this show deserves more time, it's been given it's day to a great degree, but there is so much more to tell in this story.She said the fans care, they ( the writers) care, and she feels like Junction did their job in these last seven episodes and hopefully will now be able to take the story to another venue and keep telling the story.
Over at JerichoNet2.com there are some very important threads that will help you on your journey into this awesome trip of saving Jericho again! At this thread SciFi Network Stats and Information - you will find all the information about who to write, some great letters to use a starting point and addresses.
Also, at JNet * JerichoNet2.com for short* is a thread where you will find all the templates for labels and stationary you will need.
JNet has made finding what we need extremely easy, its also a place where so many fresh ideas are flowing, its simply amazing to read through all the threads.
I know you will enjoy being over there as much as I do, so come on over and check it out. And please help us in the campaign .... JERICHO NEEDS YOU!
And to end this post, I would like to include a open letter to SciFi from a fan~
Hello,It is with the utmost humbleness that I write this letter to your network with a request. As you have posted previously on your website, a show with a ‘cult-like’ fanbase behind it has been cancelled. It’s a show that a lot of people have a lot of faith in, despite their differences and even cultural and racial lines. The show is Jericho.I know the show has two strikes against it, being cancelled twice, but it’s a show that is a great fit for your network. Not only do its plotlines go beyond conventional television, but its fans do too. Many of us fans were not counted amongst the traditional Nielsen network ratings, but as a whole, while the ratings were not on par for traditional network television, they would have been very good for a cable network, particularly one that thinks beyond tradition.Sci-Fi Channel has always been a station that goes beyond conventional thinking and conventional television. Your versions of Battlestar Galactica and the Stargate series have been nothing short of visionary. The pure fact that you already possess the rights to air the already run episodes on your channel just enhances that image. I ask that you consider continuing that vision by stepping forth and acquiring the rights to continue airing this show as a first run series on your network. It’s just a natural fit; a revolutionary series for a revolutionary network, backed by a group of revolutionary fans.As a group of fans, we are asking for another chance for our show to live, and in particular, on your network. I ask that you not pass up this chance to give this show one last life, one that it couldn’t find in its present home, but could find with you. Jericho was always too intense for regular network TV, and as a avid fan, I feel that it would have a great home on your network. Look at the numbers, look at the passion of the fans that continue to support it and yet are never counted. The online support of the show is immense, and this is a show that has never truly been given a fair chance. It is our hope that your network will be the one to give it that chance.You have a guaranteed viewer in me, and I am sure that others will attest to the same thing. All that we ask as a fandom, and all that I ask as an individual is that you give this show a fair chance, and allow Jericho to have a true chance to shine in an environment that is more receptive to it. Jericho needs to be in an environment that thinks beyond the traditional box, and the Sci Fi Channel, is a channel that truly does think beyond the traditional TV box. Please pick up Jericho, and give this show a chance to become part of a true visionaries dream.