Well my awesome Jericho Rangers, did last night just kill you or what? I mean were there enough tissues in the entire world to handle the tears I cried? No, but my tears were not tears of sadness, but also of inconceivable joy because in the last five minutes of the show I become fully aware of what we did. CBS may not have come to us and thanked us, but I tell you Junction and the cast did.
Those words between Hawkins and Jake were as much for us as for the continuity of the story. Oh yes, Jericho is going on. The story is so far from over, Beck and his men have just opened up a can of whoop ass on the ASA that will give us so much to talk about in the future. And Hawkins, now that he has been officially outed, where will he next place his energies? The possibilities are endless.
One thing guys (*Junction*) I wanted a white wedding damn it :-) I suppose that the surroundings of a pledge of life long love and companionship really is not as important as the pledge itself, but darn it all...... I wanted to cry at their wedding.
I also can not wait to find out where Heather and Beck go in their relationship. I have this feeling that Beck needs Heather very much, and that the two of them would end up the sweet old married couple, much like Gracie and George were.
I see the two of them working together for a long time!
And we can not forget that the town of New Bern has so many stories just waiting to be told.There were people living there, suffering and fighting for their existence just like Jericho is. We wont leave them behind.
Just because CBS choose to be supremely shortsighted does not mean that the story of Jericho will not live on.We now hear that the SciFi channel is a possibility, one that you the fan can help out with, see GenPattons post at either JerichoNet here or on CBS boards here.
And for inspiration, check this post and video that was posted at CBS by Need2No2 :
The numbers cannot, should not be the deciding factor in what people watch on television, quality should be the reason a show is chosen and shown.Funny, I would have thought having the 6-8 million live on a night would be far better than losing them. Like the song says, more, more, more....... CBS wants more. More CSI (CSI Backyard, CSI Waste Treatment Plant...uggg) but when the
ratings-driven glow peels off like the cheap gold coating on a ring from these shows, where will you find loyal fans like the Rangers?
I will end this with a quote from Amy Vernon, for her post said what I feel so much better than I can manage today. I am okay, I will get less mad as time goes on. I will fixate on changing the Ratings methodology and showing it for the non-representative system it is. When I get my bearings back, look out CBS, Nielsen and anyone else who thinks they can tell me what to watch!
I’m not going to take any more time berating anyone or any network for what might or might not have been done differently. It wasn’t and we can’t change that.
But you Rangers achieved something truly monumental and whatever happens from here on out, you all should be damn proud of yourselves.
Will we get a season 3 on The CW or Sci Fi? Still could happen. I’m not going to hold my breath. Hey, what do I know? Last time I figured it would never happen and guess what?