15 March 2008

Capturing The Essence of "Capturing Skeet"

It's not hard to remember my days of carefully peeling the most recent glossy photo of Shaun Cassidy out of Teen Beat Magazine and slapping it up on my bedroom wall. I was a die-hard fan, no question.
Da Do Run Run Run.... ; - )

The year was 1980 and boy have things changed since then. Now with just a few clicks a fan can retrieve current news, clip amazing pics and chat with fellow fans. No longer is a fan limited to the eight and a half by ten glossy photo with the ragged edges.

Well thirty years later, I've learned quickly how to take full advantage of what the internet offers us as fans, however, I've traded in one Shaun for one Skeet. A few months ago a friend I met through "Jericho" and a fellow Skeet fan sent me a link to what I'd call A Skeet fans' heaven, a website dedicated to Skeet Ulrich. Endless photo's, his career timeline and all the Skeet news a fan could hope for.

This website was Capturing Skeet. Soon after I was fortunate enough to make contact with Kelly, the owner/administrator of this amazing Skeet fan site. In my opinion, Kelly not only provides to fans the most extensive source of Skeet Ulrich information, but she is one of the nicest people I have had the opportunity to meet.

In speaking with her it intrigued me to know what would make someone dedicate this amount of time to one actor, so Kelly graciously agreed to answer a few questions I had.

How did Skeet Ulrich first get your attention?

I first saw Skeet in Scream at the theatre actually. It is one of my favorite movies and I remember being on the edge of my seat thinking, please don't let the hottie be the killer!! They didn't listen, but he was so fantastic in keeping the audience guessing! Of course that was back in the day when I couldn't run home and google him! After that I would catch his movies here and there but Miracles really sealed it for me and I have been an obsessed (albeit harmless) fan ever since.

What inspired you to dedicate such an expansive website to Skeet, and capture all you could about him?

After watching "Miracles" on DVD I went in search of sites on him and although I found some excellent archival sites, I did not see anything with recent information so I thought I would start one.

Have you ever met Skeet?

No, I have not had the pleasure. I am far from the type to actively pursue a meeting. Plus, living in Michigan I doubt I will ever get the chance. I will enjoy admiring him from afar. I hear he is a great guy though from others who have met him!

Can you tell us what fans can expect when they visit your site?

The most up-to-date Skeet news and pictures and a lot of great old stuff too! I always try to give a fan information on what Skeet is currently doing with regard to his career. When an actor interests me, the first thing I do is google him or her. It is nice when I can find current information on their projects, so that is whatI am trying to do for the Skeet fan.

To your knowledge, has Skeet Ulrich ever visited the site?

I have no idea. I know his publicist knows about it and a wonderful fan who met him brought capturingskeet to his attention but I couldn't say for sure if he looked it up. If he did, he might file for a personal protection order against me. *wink*

The images and content on your site is extensive, how do you come by all of this information?

Lots of internet digging! Google alerts is wonderful too for all the up-to-date happenings on your favorite actors. I also have some wonderful friends who have wonderful contacts and pass pictures and information on to me. No one associated with Skeet personally though.

What is your favorite part of maintaining this site?

Definitely interacting with the fans. The ones who visit and leave comments and thank yous and want to discuss are so awesome. It makes keeping up the site worthwhile. I recently moved my site to a blog format so that I could get more interaction. I chose livejournal because it has some of the most friendly and wonderful fans from all fandoms!

What did you think of Skeet's role in Miracles?

Truthfully it is my absolute favorite project of his. He really pulled me in with his portrayal of Paul Callan. I was a Skeet fan before Miracles but became a life long fan after. I think it is is some of his best work. His range of emotions without words is some of the best I have seen from any actor.

What did you think of Skeet's role in Jericho?

I love it! I have to say that I do long for the day Skeet gets back to movies (which he just filmed one) only because I am a huge movie buff and not a big tv viewer. Movies are where my heart is. However, I do make sure when my favorite actors are on tv I don't miss their work! I want Jericho on for a long time so if he does a movie here and there along with Jericho I will be happy.

On Jericho, are you a fan of Jake and Emily, or Jake and Heather, or none?

None and please no one flame me. :) At first I was a Jake and Emily fan because of the history they shared. I loved the potential storyline. Then a lot of fans convinced me that it was really Jake and Heather where the love story should unfold but I came to realize I loved Jake and Heather individually, not together. Now with Major Beck on the horizon I would love my gal Heather with him. I know, I know some are wondering how a Skeet fan could say that. Sorry! Truthfully I just want to see Jake happy, so he could hook up with Stanley and I would be happy, if it made him happy. I want to see Jake smile!

When did you first hear about the campaign to Save Jericho?
What was your reaction?

Well I was checking in with the message boards and showing my disgust at the series being canceled when I saw the campaign starting to unfold. I then got a message from Clarke (who now runs the beautiful Sprague site) and he asked if my site would join the fight. He only needed to ask once. I do however remember asking myself many times throughout whether it was really something Skeet would want his fans to do. I came into this a Skeet fan and became a Jericho fan because of him. I didn't want him to have to turn down a good movie role to come back to a series he would rather let rest. However, all my doubts were cast aside when he posted at the CBS message board. I thank him profusely for that for many reasons!

Did you send NUTS during the “Save Jericho Campaign”?

Definitely! I got involved with the campaign even before nuts went out. I remember thinking what a brilliant idea it was to get nutsonline involved.

Please tell us about yourself. When you are not “Capturing Skeet”, what do you do?

I lead a very typical life. I work full time as a litigation paralegal at a large law firm. I also have been married to my high school sweetheart for over 10 years and I have a beautiful 8 year old daughter and equally beautiful 5 year old son. They were not too happy when I strictly enforced their 8 o'clock bedtime on the nights Jericho was on. The "five more minutes Mom" didn't work! The later Jericho slot this season is welcomed in my house! :)

Is there anything else you would like to share with readers about your site, or Skeet Ulrich that they may not know?

I think I pretty much covered it. However, I welcome all Skeet fans to visit and participate in the site. I think anyone who becomes a fan of Skeet's knows their admiration is well placed. He seems to be a wonderful father and a wonderful person and I look forward to enjoying his career for as long as he enjoys working in Hollywood!

Thanks so much for having me on your blog!

Thank YOU Kelly. From the very first words you and I exchanged, you have been an absolute pleasure to get to know. Thank you on behalf of Skeet fans everywhere for the time and effort, as well as heart and soul that you put into making CapturingSkeet an amazing place to visit. I sure wish I knew you during my Shaun Cassidy days! - MikesMom (Stephanie)

If you are a Skeet fan, you will want to take a look http://www.capturingskeet.com/

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