Now, just in case you were unaware, here are some reasons why we LOVE Stanley and Mimi:
1. They are the cutest, no... the most adorable couple on Jericho, period. They have the once in a lifetime rare love.
2. Stanley is the most courageous guy, recall he went out into the dark to spy on the New Bern camp? Did I mention the dark part?
3. Mimi and the Chickens, need I say more?
4. Mimi's awesome wit and wonderful sense of the unexpected!
5. You wont find Mimi tossing Stanley to the wolves, if he had to leave town she would be walking right next to him! ( not like Roger, poor dear)
And to the subject of who Jake needs to be with:
She should have been more prominent in that promo as well, for goodness sakes!I did love "crispy Skeet" though.
Ok, I think I can deal now, however it did cross my mind to start a petition for this, so CBS take that into consideration for the next promo, alright?
**** just kidding CBS..... sort of, :-) ******************
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