19 December 2007

Jericho Rangers .... The reason for the Season....

Hey fellow Rangers and others:

Today a fellow Ranger, GenPatton posted over at the Jericho Boards ( link here for post) and when ever he does I go right to the post because I always know what he wrote is important. Today's post is in fact very important, and so I will simply copy and paste.... please read and if you can, we will accept any help you may be able to give with great appreciation.
Since we started “mining” for old posters on this site last week, we have received hundreds of positive comments regarding Jericho and the new season. People whom we have not seen or heard from in some time have come back and joined us again. Watching this unfold has been pretty damn cool to watch. But I want to take a second and tell everyone about one that is, without a doubt, the most satisfying one that I personally have received. On Thursday night, I sent a Private message to a poster by the screen name of “Fallout82” and on Friday I received his reply: From: @us.army.mil
> > > To: @hotmail.com
> > > Subject: RE: Jericho's Return Date
> > > Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 23:00:03 +0300
> > >
> > > That's great news!!! I love the show and would like to see it continue.
> I
> > > haven't been on the boards due to the fact that I am deployed in Iraq
> and
> > > although I love the show my time has been focused elsewhere. Hopefully I
> > > will be able to catch Jericho on AFN while I am here....
> > > Glad to know the fight is still going...

Fallout82’s real name is Patrick Neal, Sergeant, United States Army.

Sgt. Neal is a member of a Forward Surgical Unit that is part of the US Army’s Forces Command and is currently deployed in Iraq.

What I am about to suggest to everyone has absolutely nothing to do with Promotions, publicity or fighting for Season 3. Instead, its simply the right thing to do. The way I see it is, he’s a fellow Jericho ranger. He’s someone who sat at his computer just like you or me and posted here onto the site. He gave his support to everyone who participated in the Nuts Campaign. What I am asking for now is for US to do the same for him. He’s one of us.

So, I got to thinking and started asking him a couple of questions and worked on an idea. While I am sure there are many of you that have friends or family serving overseas, I do also, this is someone who is also part of this family and I suggest that we try and help him out. I would gladly do so for any other serviceman or woman to begin with, but having him be one of us just makes it a little bit different to me.

I am suggesting 2 possible avenues for everyone to participate in, I’m not asking for everyone to do both, you can if you want, but you certainly do not have to. I did mention to him what some others on this site did previously for soldiers with the DVD for the troops campaign. I told him that I would post his info here on the site and see what we could do. I also asked him what he and his fellow troopers could use in the way of goods or items. Anything specific that they were short of and had a hard time in getting. He gave me a list, which I will post immediately after this one.

So, my thoughts are this, mikesmom71 has allowed for us to use her link for a paypal account that was set up previously for the DVD for the troops campaign. Feel free to donate, the money will go to purchasing the Season 1 Jericho DVD. So if you want, you may make a donation into the account. It doesn’t have to be $40 for the dvd set, you can feel free to donate a few dollars, that’s fine and more than charitable in itself..

The second and most attractive option, is asking all of you to look through the list and see if there is something that YOU can send them directly. Some old DVD’s that you don’t watch anymore, cd’s, magazines, accessories, take a look at the list and see. Here is the mailing address.

SGT Patrick Neal
> > 86th CSH, 102nd FST
> > APO AE 09348

For those of you who do not know, shipping letters and packages to Iraq is FREE. Uncle Sam foots the bill on that, but what you do have to pay for is shipping to the stateside collection point, which, in this case, is NYC.

A 30lb package costs around $16.00 to ship while a regular holiday card would still be regular postage. I am not asking for everyone to send boxes and boxes of stuff, but please at least send him and his feloow soldiers a holiday card or even an early Valentines Day card. As of what I was told to me today at my local post office, it only takes about a week to ten days for letters and packages to arrive and be distributed. I will also be including some of his fellow soldiers names in the next post. You can address it to them as well.


* Health Care Products.

Including, shampoos, soap bars, lotions, sunblock, T-Shirts, socks, toothpaste, gauze bandages, towels, shaving cream, razors, etc.

* CD’s and Dvd’s.

that you may have extra off or do not watch. They do NOT have to be Jericho season 1 discs, anything.

* Video Games, crossword puzzle books, magazines such as Sports Illustrated, Field and Stream, etc.

* Books, Bibles, Sports sections from a newspaper.

This gives you some ideas to help get started with, I will edit this with a more detailed list shortly.

Also, if you wish to donate money for this, the following link is for Mikesmom’s pay pal account. This money will be used to purchase Season 1 dvds.


Like I mentioned previously, you do not have to donate huge sums of money for this, we know it’s the holidays, so anything would do.

Please refer to the link to GenPattons post I placed at the beginning of this post, for more on this soldier and how you can help us to give a bit of support back to our troops. Because this is the whole reason for the season, giving of ourselves, one person at a time.
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