I have always been the kind of person, who if a book I get becomes my favourite, I will read it over and over. Something about seeing it from different angles.
I have never been this way with television. Now, I will watch Dances With Wolves over and over, but it would be ruined for me if I saw it more than a few times a year.
* Dances is probably my second all time favourite Romance Movie - Gone with the Wind is always going to be my first *
So, its rather funny that I can sit and watch these episodes over and over like i have been doing. I am not exactly sure what I get from watching the shows over and over. I think that some of the reason has to be that I HATE being denied information, LOL.
Mostly, I just miss Jericho.
It breaks my heart to see Johnston die, and when Gail comes into the room, I cant help crying.
The writers did a great job of not going over the top with these scenes.
That kiss between Jake and Emily, wow that was a kiss. I know some on the boards want Heather to win, and trust me so did I in the beginning, but its Emily Jake loves, and no one can ever stop true love.
* at least , so I have been told*
I see at the forum that we made it to CNN this afternoon. I went and watched but did not see any mention, and my kids rebelled and wanted their channel back! I will fight CBS tooth and nail for Jericho, but I run like a screaming like a girl if my kids get antsy over their TV time.
And there is now a running list of what news outlets are carrying this news, which I will post here this afternoon.
Just as soon as I am done watching Skeet and company prepare to kick some New Bern ass.
06 June 2007
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