I am listening to last nights show now, and wow.
I still can't believe that I am so fortunate as to be involved in this , its as if I had been given this gift.
But first, before I continue my thoughts on the show last night, I have something I would like to say to all the Executives at CBS.
To Mr Moonves, Ms Tassler, Mr Schwartz and every single person who was affected by this ; I said sometime ago that you should be big enough to be able to say, hey maybe we made a mistake. I said it was not that hard to admit one is wrong. Well, I was wrong, wrong about you all! You have shown you are open to your fans, and your open to doing thing differently if it means the betterment of television for your viewers. You are now on the verge of being the top network, you are forging new frontiers. And you are letting us help you, that is COOL.
When a company actually listens to its customers, and then actively works to implement what it hears - that is a great company. I have actually loved many of your shows through out the years and now I can actually say you CBS are my network.The future is about being able to adapt, and do so successfully. You have gotten this right, right from the start. I can honestly say that I am honoured to be involved with what ever you do now. Together you and your viewers can make this partnership a total success, and its going to be a blast. Nina, you have earned my respect in a big way. You took all we threw at you, most undeserved and did so like a lady. You have a tremendous amount of responsibility and you could have easily been more upset at us and yet you were gracious to us when we were throwing words and peanuts at you. You have proven you are totally not nuts!
I wish you all success in your world, you deserve it.
Mr Schawrtz, I had the opportunity to see your video performance last evening.... I was still smarting from your song to Jericho fans, but after seeing you perform, well I get it. So, Mr.S~to you, I am sorry. And to tell you the truth, you are kind of funny.
Okay, now on to the radio show from last night ~
Carol, Dan, Karim, and Shaun all sound so happy, it is so great! They sound thrilled for Jericho but mostly for us and that makes me feel great. Clark sounded like he was on cloud nine and so did Shumi.
I am glad to hear that Nina was happy, again Nina, I want to say how sorry I am that I was so mad at you. You know, my disappointment was obvious, but you were super to listen and gracious to allow us to say how glad we are to find out you were a supporter to, and those of us who ribbed you were wrong.
I am glad to see that you enjoyed the flowers, they were lovely and you are lovely to have really listened to the fans they way you did. We will not let you down, we promise!
I love the idea I am hearing about the internet story line that Dan was talking about..... actually I am loving all the ideas I am hearing!
The sweetest words tho.... they start shooting in five weeks! God that sounds so good.
Shumi, you sounded so happy, and relieved :-) you have been the biggest supporter of all of us fans, helping us when we needed it, calming us when we needed it. To you, Clark , Chesterkitty, thank you from me personally. I looked to you so many times for your voice of reason :-)
Over at Nutsonline, the Greensburg Kansas tally is now at an impressive $15,333! I have posted an idea I kind of hope will be agreed to, and that is about getting a crew together to go to Greensburg to help rebuild.
Shaun was mentioning that the hospital there is still destroyed ( as is every building there) and I so wish to show some of this same support we have shown for each other and Jericho to those people in Greensburg. After all, the biggest thing about the show is that the people of Jericho learn to pull together, work together and help in times of need. To help rebuild Greensburg would make me feel that I was really blessed in my life.
So Shaun, if you or some one can think of a real way we can get involved in doing this, I am so there in any capacity, I mean I can swing a hammer ( my husband was a residential builder until an accident a couple of years ago, but I helped him out running the business so I learned a thing or two. Plus, I religiously watch HGTV :-)
Maybe we could get some of the sponsors of Jericho to help as well with materials etc????
The petition online still grows as well.... 114,950 names! Can you imagine it only took three weeks to get here? I hope everyone keeps signing, at least until the 16th of the month, just to see what it would have been in that short amount of time..... I think for sure we would have beaten Family Guy down, don't you?
I am making a separate post in a few that will concern only board business, info on the FAN CLUB being built and what ever info is needed on the second leg of this effort, and the most important now- keeping Jericho front and center.
From what everyone was saying on the show last night, there is alot of ideas cooking in the writers minds for what will be done with the internet and the show.
back in a bit.....
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