21 May 2007

SAVE JERICHO - LA Times article - May 22,2007

Well here is what we are talking about, exposure in the bigger venues!

The article in todays LA Times states that our petition sits at 60,000 so we know that the reporter did in fact come to the site today , and it also kicks us in the face with the comment from CBS -

CBS executives will meet this week to discuss how the network can let the fans know how the "Jericho" story would have ended.

"we'll let you know how it would have ended"!!!

WHAT? Oh no, you did not just say that!

The terms we have proposed are clear, A Second season, period.

I am thankful for this report in the Times, don't get me wrong, but to report on that letter from Ms Tassler instead of asking for a comment today is not cool. Can she not even bother with a comment today, to show she is in fact reading the most current of our comments?

How do you like those peanuts and faxes Ms Tassler, Mr Moonves?????

That letter everyone is quoting is nothing but a rehash pity date for the fans.

First of all that letter was put on the boards on Friday, the 18th well before the petition and all our blogs and websites began to gain readership and numbers!

The fact of the matter is, Ms Tassler and CBS have no cares about what we are doing, or they would at least come on the forum and acknowledge the fact that as of right now, 3:16 pm, May 22nd, there are 61,769 names on that petition!

And I cant even begin to count the numbers of posters at the forums, www.jerichorallypoint.com and www.savejericho.com, and www.jericholives.com, not to mention the first and biggest, the CBS forum for Jericho itself!

The search hits for the term "save jericho" on Google now returns 43,500, up from 31,100 at 10:10 am today, and 41,100 at 11:23 am today.

These are numbers CBS can not afford to ignore.

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